Forsun Ultra-hard Material Industry Co., Ltd.
FORSUN is a manufacturer of Diamond Core Bits, Reaming Shells, Core Barrels, Drill Rods, Casings, other Drilling Accessories and Drilling Rigs which are used mainly in mineral exploration, site investigation, water well construction. FORSUN products are produced according to ISO, DCDMA, CDDA, Metric, and Chinese standards. So far FORSUN products have been exported to more than 50 countries. With qualified and professional staff as well as advanced production technologies and equipment, FORSUN is capable to offer customers both the standard and customized products.
Forsun is a leading manufacturer and supplier of drilling equipment, specializing in producing Diamond Core Bits (Impregnated and Surface Set, E. P. ), Reaming Shells, Core Barrels, Drill Rods, Water Swivels, Hoisting Plugs, SPT complete, and other drilling tools and accessories.
Sizes Available:
Diamond core drill bits and diamond non-core drill bits
A-Gauge Core Bits: A, A-RSG, AWG(AX), AWM, AWT, LTK48
B-Gauge Core Bits: B, B-RSG, B-2.400, B3, BWG(BX), BWM, BWT, LTK60, TBW
N-Gauge Core Bits: N, NMLC, NWG(NX), NWM, NWT, TNW
H-Gauge Core Bits: N, HMLC, HWF-Long, HWF-Short, HWG(HX), HWT
P- Gauge Core Bits: P, P3, PWF-Long, PWF-Short
S- Gauge Core Bits: SWF-Long, SWF-Short
U- Gauge Core Bits: UWF-Long, UWF-Short
Z- Gauge Core Bits: ZWF-Long, ZWF-Short
T, TT, T2 &TB Series Metric Core Bits: T36, TT46, T2-46, TB56, TT56, T2-56, T2-66, T2-76, T2-76 coreline, T2-86, T2-86 coreline, T2-101, T2-101 coreline
T6 Series Metric Core Bits: T6-76, T6-86, T6-101, T6-116, T6-131, T6-146
T6S Series Metric Core Bits: T6S-76, T6S-86, T6S-101, T6S-116, T6S-131, T6S-146
And all other standard CDDA, DCAMA, Crealius, and ISO sizes.
Product List

Bq Inner Tube Wrench for Geotechnical

Drill Rod Recovery Taps

Undisturbed Triple Sampler Mazier

Chain Pipe Wrench 4 Inch, 6 Inch, 8 Inch, 10 Inch

Standard/Heavy Duty Hoisting Plug

Diamond Core Water Swivel

Inner Barrel Wrench for Wireline Drilling

Geotechnical Investigation Standard Penetration Test Spt Sampler

Heavy Duty Pq Hq Nq Bq Aw Bw Water Swivel for Drill Rig

Fishing Tools Recovery Tap

Drilling Pipe Wrench 18 Inch; 24 Inch; 36 Inch; 48 Inch;

Wireline Rod Hoisting Plug Standard Type

Wireline Tools Hoist Plug

Water Swivels Assembly for Wireline Core Drilling

Hoisting Plug for Wireline Core Drilling

3-Wing Drag Bit with API Reg Thread

Inner Tube Wrench Bq Hq Nq

Ltk60 Double Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

T2-101 Thin Wall Double Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

B Series Single Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

Wg Series Single Tube Core Barrel Assembly

Inner Tube Wrench for Diamond Core Drill

Mazier 101 for Sampling in Sand and Hard Clay

Water Swivel, Hoisting Plug, Sub Adaptor, Recovery Tap

24 Inch 36 Inch American Pipe Wrench

2'' Plastic Basket Retainer for Spt Sampler

Hoist Plug Used to Bq, Nq, Hq, and Pq Drilling

High Performance Hoisting Plug to Drill Rods

Nq PCD Diamond Reaming Shell, Reamer

3-Wing Step Type Drag Bit for Soil Investigation

T2-101 Double Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

Diamond Core Drilling Water Swivel

Drill Rod Recovery Bell and Fishing Tap

Inner Tube Wrench Circular Wrench

Pipe Wrench for Diamond Core Drilling

Pq Water Swivel for Diamond Core Drilling

Bq Nq Hq Pq Plastic Drilling Core Box

Full Grip Bq Nq Hq Pq Inner Tube Wrench

Pq Hq Nq Lifting Water Swivel for Wireline Core Drill

Pq3 Triple Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

Nwg, Hwg Double Tube Core Barrel Assembly

Drill Pipe Wireline Pq

Borehole Hoist Plugs & Lifting Swivels

Hoisting Plugs and Lifting Bails

Sq/Geobor-S Wireline Drilling Rods

Core Lifter, Core Catcher Drilling

Nq Diamond Inner Tube Wrench Spanner

Nq Hq Pq Foot Clamps, Jaws, Rod Holders

Hoisting Plug for Diamond Core Drilling Rig

Wireline Drilling Plastic Core Box

Wire-Line Drilling Core Box

Pw and Pwt Casing

Diamond Drilling Core Box

U100 Sampling

Universal, Compact, Heavy-Duty, Standard Water Swivel

Hq3 Basket Fingers Core Lifter

Nq Hq Pq Steel Core Tray for Diamond Core Drill

Conventional Rod Clamps for W Series Rods

Wireline Core Barrel Nq Hq Pq Head Assembly

Directional Drilling Wireline Core Barrels Pq Hq Nq

Shelby Tube Samplers

Spt Basket Retainer, Catcher for Cutting Shoe

Nwg Double Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

Heavy Duty Water Swivel Bq Nq Hq Pq for Drill Rig

Forsun Drilling Tools Water Swivel for Drilling Rig

Split Spoon Sampler

Ltk48, Ltk60 Double Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

PCD Geocube Core Bit

Hoisting Plug for Drilling Rig and Drilling Pipes

Geological Drilling Rods Pq

Coring Drill Rod Pq

Geological Hq Drill Pipe

Q Series Wireline Drill Rods Geobor System

Geobor S Wireline Coring System Drill Rods

Hq Drill Pipe 3.0m

Wire Line Drilling Rod Aw Bw Nw Hw for Geological Exploration

Spt Solid Rod with Cone

Driven/Cutting Shoe, Solid Nose Cone

Spt Soil Sampler

T6s-131 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

T6s-116 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

T6s-101 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

T6s-76 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

T6-116 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

Nq Double Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

Cutting Shoe/Drive Shoe for Spt Sampler, Soil Testing

U100 Soil Core Catcher

Pq Hq Nq Bq Pw Hw Nw Bw Sub Adapters

Pq3 Basket Type Core Lifter

Nq Hq Pq Core Retainer Basket Type

Spt Sampler Plastic Sand Scraper Catcher

Nq Hq Pq Adaptor Coupling for Wireline Core Barrel

Nq Hq Plastic Core Box

W Series Casing with Flush Joints

Core Box, Core Tray, Chip Box

Casing 127, 108, 89 for Geotechnical Drilling

Spt Cutting Shoe for Soil Sampler

U100 Sampler

U100 Soil Sampler System

T6-116 Double Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

Shelby Tube Sampler

B86 Single Tube Core Barrel Assembly

Plastic Drilling Core Box Pq Hq Nq Bq

Pipe Wrench, Diamond Circular Wrench

Drilling Accessories, Wrench, Sub Adaptor, Recovery Tap

Aw Bw Water Swivel for Drilling Rig, Water Well Drilling Swivel

Thin Wall Open drive Sampler Shelby Tube

Bq Nq Hq Pq Rock Drilling Rod Clamp

Aw Bw Nw Hw Drill Rod Assembly

Pq3 Core Lifter with Basket Fingers

M101 Core Barrel

T6-101 Core Lifter & Core Spring for Core Barrel

T6-86 Core Lifter & Core Spring for Core Barrel

T6-76 Core Lifter & Core Spring for Core Barrel

Split Spoon

Spt Solid Shoe/Cutting Shoe

T2-86 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

Hq Surface Set Reaming Shell Spirol Type

Hq Electroplated Reaming Shell

Nq Electroplated Reaming Shell

Bq Electroplated Reaming Shell

Nq Spearhead for Core Barrel

T6-101 Double Tube Diamond Reaming Shell & Reamer

Nq Hq T2 T6 Blank Reaming Shell

Foot Clamp Rod Holder Chuck Jaws

Nmlc Hmlc Electroplated Reaming Shell

T6-116 Core Lifter, Core Spring for Geotechnical

T2-86 Impregnated Core Bit for Soil Investigation

Bq Drilling Pipe Diameter 59 mm

Standard Wireline (WL) Drill Pipe Pq Hq Nq

Q Series Wireline Drill Rods for Rotary Core Drilling

Wireline Core Drill Rod Pq Hq

Pq Diamond Exploration Wireline Drill Rod

Rock Drilling Tools Pq Drill Rod

Q Series Wire Line Coring Drill Rods Pq Hq Nq

Hq Wireline Drill Rod with Heat-Treatment

Hq Wireline Core Machining Drill Rod

Wireline Coring Geobore S Drill Rods

Mineral Exploration Drill Pipe Hq

Nq3 Hq3 Pq3 Wireline Drill Tube

Swf Ferrule, Drilling Accessories

Pwf Ferrule, Drilling Accessories

Hwf Ferrule, Drilling Accessories

412f Ferrule, Drilling Accessories

Split Spoon for Spt Testing

B46 Core Lifter & Core Spring for Core Barrel

Hq3 Wlh3 Core Lifter & Core Spring for Core Barrel

Nq3 Core Lifter, Core Spring for Core Barrel

Bq3 Core Lifter, Core Spring for Core Barrel

Spt Catcher/Basket Retainer for Cutting Shoe, Plastic, 2" or 3"

Pq3 Wlp3 Core Lifter & Core Spring for Core Barrel

T2-101 Triple Tube Core Barrel Assembly

Pq3 Coring Split Tube for Wireline Core Barrel

T6-116 Basket Type Core Lifter

Hard Chrome Full Hole Nq Locking Coupling and Adapter Coupling

Soil Core Catcher Basket Retainer

2" & 3" Split Spoon Sampler

Standard Automatic Mazier 101 Core Barrel Complete

Hwf Pwf Swf Triple Tube Core Barrel Assembly

Spt Basket Retainer for Undisturbed Soil Testing

T2 Series Double Tube Core Barrel Complete Set

Pq3 Plastic Core Liner for Core Barrel

Drilling Tools Chain Spanner 4" 6" 8" 10"

Hq PCD Reaming Shell for Soil Investigation

T6-116 Surface Set Reaming Shell, Reamer

Drag Bit, 3-Wing or 4-Wing, Chevron or Step Type

Hwf Inner Tube with Extension Tube

Pwf Coreline Basket Core Lifter & Core Spring

Hq PCD Diamond Reaming Shell for Wireline Core Barrel

T2-101 Core Lifter & Core Spring for Core Barrel

Hq3 Surface Set Reaming Shell

Soil Test Laboratory ASTM Spt Hammer Complete

Spt Split Tube Sampler 2′ ′ Od BS Standard 24′ ′ Length

Spt Cutting Shoe for Soil Testing Undisturbed Soil Coring

Q Series Diamond Reaming Shell Ring Type

Hq Overshot Assembly

Hmlc Triple Tube Core Barrel

Nq Hq Surface Set Back End Reaming Shell

Spiral Rib Type Hq Diamond Reaming Shell

Q Series Surface Set Swivel Type Diamond Reaming Shell

Geotechinical Tools Nmlc Reaming Shell

Precision Diamond Reaming Shell Size Tt46

T6-101 Electroplated Diamond Reaming Shell

Geobor S Surface Set Diamond Reaming Shell

Nq Surface Set Diamond Reaming Shell

Nq3 Hq3 Pq3 Stop Ring

Wj Wy Design Drill Rod

Shelby Tube Sampler for Soil Sampling

Nq Hq Pq Adapter Coupling

Hwf Double Tube Core Barrel

4 Tpi, 8 Tpi, 11 Tpi Cutting Shoe

Standard or Plastick Liner U100 System

U100 Sampler for Taking 100mm Undisturbed Samples

T2-66 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

T2-56 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

T2-46 Core Lifter for Core Barrel

Hq3 PCD Diamond Reaming Shell

Nq3 Surface Set Reaming Shell Spirol Type

Nq3 PCD Diamond Reaming Shell

Tt56 Surface Set Reaming Shell